Los másteres europeos: Espacios privilegiados para crecer en Trabajo Social

  • Maribel Martín Estalayo
  • Teresa García Giráldez
Keywords: Posgrado’s training, Reflection, Interdisciplinary, Theory-practice relationship


This article proposes itself to be a space in which to relate reflections on and concerns about the new Official Masters in Social Work, drawn from the experience generated, as a student body, by the first graduating class of the Official Interuniversity Postgraduate Degree in Social Work of the Complutense University of Madrid. The discourse chosen takes as a starting point the fight that the discipline led some years ago for the Bachelors Degree motivated by the recognition in the university setting, to then to focus on the new achievement of the official Master’s, spaces that, beyond just recognition, make reflection on and the growth of the discipline of Social Work possible. The interest in the Master’s level springs from not only the European goal and approach (the new configuration of credits, the concept of the work of the teacher and student, the renewal of didactic methodologies, etc.) but also its insertion in the reality of the Spanish university. It is good to stop and take the pulse, to analyze, evaluate and transmit the first steps of this promising project, transforming the subjectivity of those who are directly involved with the possibility of reflection in order to promote and improve the aspects that constitute this wager.


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How to Cite
Martín Estalayo M. y García Giráldez T. (2008). Los másteres europeos: Espacios privilegiados para crecer en Trabajo Social. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 21, 189-202. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUTS/article/view/CUTS0808110189A