Entre la contención y el desarollo competencial: una aproximación al objeto-sujeto en el Trabajo Social

  • Miguel Ángel Gurbindo Marín
Keywords: Competences, Containment, Complexity, Individual, Subject, Object


In the age of postmodernism, Social Work is developing within a complex ever-changing context. This fact makes many social activities take place in a continuum constrained by opposite theoretical frameworks or paradigms. Therefore, Social Workers need to make a critical analysis of the models, methods and methodolgy of their interventions at hand, in order to behave not only out of self-control and containment, but also out of recognition, respect and the development of competence. All this is necessary in order to clarify the difficulties of the interventions involved whithin a perspective where the individual / customer is an active subject of his/her own changing process.


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How to Cite
Gurbindo Marín M. Á. . (2008). Entre la contención y el desarollo competencial: una aproximación al objeto-sujeto en el Trabajo Social. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 21, 87-104. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUTS/article/view/CUTS0808110087A