El grupo como viaje de transformación personal y social

  • África Martín Giner
  • Lorenzo García Martín
Keywords: Group, Reflective action, Migration, Mutual cooperation, Migration and ambiguous loss


This article describes the social work experiences with a group of female immigrants. First, the fundamental characteristics of the method and how they were applied (reflective action) are demonstrated. Then, the journey through the personal and social transformation of the participants is narrated. In conclusion, the coordination team is noted as the base of the project which highlights supervision as the main point to assure the quality of the project. Through the experience, a social integral way of work is revealed by gathering the individual, group and community aspects. The great potential of the social work in groups is highlighted as an intstrument which is able to facilitate the creation of relationships, the development of social networks, the promotion of mutual cooperation and to provide a space of relection and learning; such as the support given to the individuals iniciatives by the groups.


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How to Cite
Martín Giner Á. y García Martín L. . (2008). El grupo como viaje de transformación personal y social. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 21, 43-61. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUTS/article/view/CUTS0808110043A