Propuesta de intervención integral en el ámbito local contra la violencia hacia las mujeres

  • Engracia De Los Riscos Angulo
  • Pilar Blanco Alfaro
  • Dara Guillén Salguero
Keywords: Gender violence, Women´s movement, Gender perspective, Prevention, Equal opportunities council, Local government,


The violence that women had been undergoing during centuries has been named as «domestic violence», «bad treatments/mistreatments» or «familiar violence». This way of naming joined to the concept that until now we have had about what is or is not violence, took us to a constraint and an out of focus vision of the problem; it has limited the violence to the physical violence, without taking into account other ways of materialization of the violence that women are suffering: economical, emotional, sexual, etc. that, without any doubt, have devastating consequences in their lives. Therefore, the actions taken until some years ago have been palliative and for their welfare without making an allowance for the complexity and implications of the violence that women are bearing. The effort made by feminist women supposed a grater knowledge and a new conceptualization of the violence: from a private problem it has turn into a public problem that requires an integral intervention, that not only should consider welfare aspects but also prevention, non tolerance, public awareness, legislative changes, etc., that needs the implication of the Estate and qualified professionals, the creation of resources in order to safeguard the integrity of the women and their daughters and sons —in case of be necessary—, and to make possible her later integration in a full citizenship. The Local Administration due to its proximity to the citizenship appears as the suitable space to create measures, develop strategies and mobilize necessary resources that will permit a more effective and coordinated intervention in aspects as prevention, security and welfare to the victims.


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How to Cite
Riscos Angulo E. D. L., Blanco Alfaro P. . y Guillén Salguero D. . (2005). Propuesta de intervención integral en el ámbito local contra la violencia hacia las mujeres. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 18, 279-315.