Los conflictos: claves para su comprensión. Conflict: Keys to its understanding

  • Mª Eugenia Ramos Pérez


We live surrounded by conflicts, many of which are created and fostered by us. In our own defense, we can argue that on too many occasions we are not conscious of this fact; what we do know is that it is an element that we perceive as negative by associating it with the habitual manner of resolving it (fights, toss of communication, anger). Faced with these situations we feel overwhelmed and powerless with few efficient ways of acting. Recent peace studies have created a new discipline. the study of conflict, with the objective of analyzing and understanding conflict in order to resolve it or transform it. One is provided then with a new paradigm, conflict being a positive element if it is dealt with adequately since it can, among other benefits, permit a strengthening of the relationship between the protagonists. All conflicts have a common structure which contains three elements: people, process and problem, alt interrelated, which serve as a guide for their understanding.


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How to Cite
Ramos Pérez M. E. . (2003). Los conflictos: claves para su comprensión. Conflict: Keys to its understanding. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 16, 121-132. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CUTS/article/view/CUTS0303110121A