Loneliness: notion and intervention. A critical reflection from the analysis of Madrid Vecina

Keywords: loneliness, intervention, problem construction, fetishism, pathologization


Loneliness is understood as one of the major social problems of our time. This is why new initiatives are emerging trying to address it both from public institutions and from the third sector. This article analyzes one of these initiatives, Madrid Vecina, carried out by the Fundación Grandes Amigos and financed by the Madrid City Council, in the interaction of its symbolic, substantive and operational dimensions. This is done in order to clarify the notion of loneliness that is constructed and set in motion as well as how influences the practice of intervention. In this context, loneliness emerges understood essentially as a negative problem, pathologized in many senses, individualized and disconnected from its structural roots, limiting a radical intervention. All this is supported by an ethnographic work sustained for more than a year in the daily life of the initiative.


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Author Biography

Óscar Barrio Formoso, a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:34:"Universidad Complutense de Madrid ";}

Investigador predoctoral en el Departamento de Antropología social y Psicología Social de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Graduado en Antropología social y cultural (UCM) con máster en Ciudad y Urbanismo (UOC) y en Estudios Avanzados en Antropología Social y Cultural (UCM). Actualmente investiga sobre soledad en adultos jóvenes urbanos. Forma parte del grupo de investigación “BAKARZAIN: Soledad no deseada y cuidados” y de la asociación “Umbrales. Sociedad y territorio”, grupo de investigación-acción sobre cuestiones socioculturales.

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How to Cite
Barrio Formoso Ó. (2024). Loneliness: notion and intervention. A critical reflection from the analysis of Madrid Vecina. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 37(2), 319-329. https://doi.org/10.5209/cuts.92507