The reality of Arab-Muslim migrant women: analysis of their integration and social participation in Andalusia (Spain)

Keywords: Andalusia, Moroccan women, integration, empowerment, employment


The social inclusion of Muslim women in Andalusia (Spain) is very important. Social integration is conceived as the ability to actively participate in the host society. In this article, we present the main findings of a research aimed at analysing four key issues that directly influence this group's social integration process: (1) social isolation; (2) religion, language and veil; (3) work carried out in Andalusia; and (4) effects arising from the pandemic. We used a qualitative methodology to conduct the study, with in depth interviews to reflect the views of our key informants. The results show the need to implement effective actions that encourage the integration and social participation of Moroccan women in Andalusia and eradicate situations of social exclusion. It is essential to be aware of this reality in order to make this group visible, to advance their human rights and to achive their empowerment in the host society.


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How to Cite
Morcillo Martínez J. M., Torres Kumbrian R. D. . y Ochando Ramirez M. V. . (2024). The reality of Arab-Muslim migrant women: analysis of their integration and social participation in Andalusia (Spain). Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 37(2), 353-362.