Rurality and social work: a perspective from Andalusia

Keywords: rural social work, rural areas, social work organization, urbanormativity, professional practice


Social work in rural areas, in contrast to its configuration in urban settings, is conditioned by particular organisational circumstances and socio-cultural contexts that call for reflection on its possible specificity. In this sense, the practice of social work in rural contexts is a specific challenge for the profession. The aim of this article is to analyse the organisational models and practice of social work in a rural context in order to investigate this potential particularity and its implications for social intervention. The research focuses on an exploratory case study in Andalusia (Spain), where we have developed a qualitative research in 14 community social services centres through in-depth interviews with 95 social workers. Through these interviews we have been able to identify some of the characteristics of the organisation and practices of social workers in rural contexts. The results highlight two fundamental differences with intervention in urban contexts: (1) a different model of service organisation, with a generalist tendency; and (2) a particular professional practice, based on personal proximity and care. In the discussion section, the particularities of rural social work is highlighted: the professionals recognise that they are doing social work that is "different" from that in urban contexts, more aligned with the profession "ought" and "is". The conclusions point to the existence of an urbanormativity bias in the organisation and practices of social work which makes rural peculiarities invisible and which could condition its capacity to respond to the rural crisis.


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Author Biographies

Auxiliadora González-Portillo, Dpto. Trabajo Social y SSSS.- Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Auxiliadora González-Portillo: Doctora en Ciencias Sociales. Profesora titular del Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). Sus principales líneas de investigación son la intervención social con colectivos vulnerables y excluidos, las políticas públicas de servicios sociales y el trabajo de las ONG. Desarrolla sus investigaciones siempre desde un enfoque metodológico cualitativo participativo. Es miembro del Grupo de Investigación Social y Acción Participativa (GISAP). Sus trabajos recientes han sido publicados en Poverty and Public Policy, International Journal for Equity in Health, Journal of Regional Research, European Journal of Public Health, Sustainability, Empiria y Ethics and Social Welfare.

Esteban Ruiz-Ballesteros, Dpto. Antropología Social, Psicología Básica y Salud Pública.- Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Esteban Ruiz-Ballesteros (PhD) es catedrático de Antropología Social en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla (España). Miembro del departamento de Antropología Social, Psicología y Salud Pública y del Grupo de Investigación Social y Acción Participativa (GISAP). Sus campos de investigación actuales son los procesos de intervención social y los servicios sociales, el turismo comunitario y las relaciones entre el medio ambiente y el ser humano, realizando trabajo de campo en Andalucía, Ecuador y las Galápagos. Sus trabajos recientes han sido publicados en Sociologia Ruralis, Journal of Rural Studies, Human Ecology, Land Use Policy, Human Organization, Tourism Management, Journal of Material Culture, AIBR y Disparidades.

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How to Cite
González-Portillo A. y Ruiz-Ballesteros E. (2023). Rurality and social work: a perspective from Andalusia. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 36(2), 281-292.