Conceptual reality of homelessness: reflections for a comprehensive examination

Keywords: homelessness, explanatory factors, conceptual review, ETHOS typology, social exclusion


This paper undertakes a conceptual review of homelessness. First, the article reviews the main developments that have emerged since the 1970s, elaborating the background on which the current understanding of the reality of homelessness is based. Attention is also focused on the concept of "home". Through the concept of “home” and the contributions of international literature, an account is given of the conceptual paradigm under which homelessness is understood, as well as other forms of residential exclusion. The article also reflects on the potentialities and limitations linked to this approach to homelessness. Finally, it presents a comprehensive framework for approaching homelessness by considering the factors that are at the root of its emergence and maintenance. Thus, it establishes an analytical perspective that conceptualises and understands homelessness under the theoretical and analytical paradigm of social exclusion.


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Author Biography

Iria Noa de la Fuente-Roldán, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Facultad de Trabajo Social. Departamento de Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales.

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How to Cite
de la Fuente-Roldán I. N. (2023). Conceptual reality of homelessness: reflections for a comprehensive examination. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 36(1), 61-71.