Care, food security and vulnerable groups: integration from social work with families in times of pandemic, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.

Keywords: care, family food security, vulnerable groups, social work and pandemic


The 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) establish as a principle the need to "leave no one behind". Achieving these SDGs currently poses a challenge for care in the context of the pandemic, due to the social vulnerability that is signposted when caring for these groups, such as gender inequalities, aging and access to food. Access to food is made harder during lockdowns due to the marked vulnerabilities among many Latin American families. Cuba does not escape this reality; the active involvement of social work remains insufficient in the relationship between care, family food security and vulnerable groups.

This article is intended to assess the integration of food security, care and attention to vulnerable groups based on family-level social work actions during Covid-19 in the Santiago de Cuba municipal area. Scientific observation and surveys were used for the study, representing qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

The study findings generally show that social work with families must both foster cultural capital that makes it possible to redirect dietary practices in terms of caring for vulnerable groups, and reinforce family/social capital by facilitating greater links with institutions and organizations.


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Author Biographies

Osmanys Soler Nariño, Universidad de Oriente

Osmanys Soler Nariño
He graduated Sociology (2004), Master in Community Cultural Development (2013) and Doctor of Sociological Sciences (2016). He works as Professor of the Department of Sociology at the Universidad de Oriente since 2004, where he has served as head of the same department since 2016. He has been a member of the CLACSO Working Group (GT) "Critical Studies on Disability" since 2019. . He participates in the research networks: Youth Studies Network, Care Studies Network and Local Development Network. He is the author of several publications with topics related to people with disabilities, employment, family food security, gender inequalities, local development, social vulnerability, climate change, governance and public policies. He has participated in 4 R + D + i research projects. He holds several awards, including: First Prize of the 2016 Annual Contest organized by Editorial Unijuris in the collective work entitled: The Law of Sports in Ibero-America. National challenges and experiences in the 21st century, with the article: Social policies and social inclusion of people with physical-motor disabilities through sports practice. National Union of Jurists of Cuba, Cuban Society of Criminal Sciences Faculty of Law of the University of Havana.

Milady Vaillant Delis, Universidad de Oriente

Milady Vaillant Delis

She graduated from Bachelor of Technical and Professional Education (1982) and Master of Higher Education (2013). She works as an Assistant Professor of the Department of Sociocultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad de Oriente. Some of her research topics are environment, environmental management, environmental culture, sustainable development, family food security and gender inequalities. She has participated as a member in an R + D + i research project associated with the National Program.

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How to Cite
Domínguez Ruiz Y., Soler Nariño O. y Vaillant Delis M. (2022). Care, food security and vulnerable groups: integration from social work with families in times of pandemic, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 35(2), 115-125.