Initiatives to protect against hunger and food insecurity in Madrid region: is the hegemonic model of food banks in crisis?

  • Araceli Serrano Pascual Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • José Ramón González Parada Red RIOS (Red de Investigación y Observatorio para la Solidaridad)
  • Marian Simón Rojo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Keywords: food insecurity, food protection, charity economy, support networks, neighborhood identity


We set out some key factors for understanding the main tensions and contradictions that are arising within the hegemonic model for tackling food insecurity. To do so, we examine the dynamics and discourses arising from various initiatives in this area that have been launched in the Autonomous Community of Madrid. Specifically, we analyse qualitative materials produced within a collaborative-learning project that was jointly undertaken by the Complutense University of Madrid, the Charter against Hunger and the Monitoring Centre for Guaranteeing the Right to Food in Madrid between 2019 and 2021. We confirm that the hegemonic model of distributing food via food banks, which are mainly provided by the shadow state and philanthropic initiatives, is progressively coming under greater stress and being questioned both internally and externally. We also observe the enormous potential of neighbourhood and mutual-support groups to propose innovative initiatives that serve as an essential learning experience vis-à-vis the objective of ensuring food security and the right to food at the same time as they strengthen the social fabric, the well-being of families and neighbourhood identities.


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Author Biographies

Araceli Serrano Pascual, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

profesora de Sociología UCM y miembro del Observatorio para la Garantía del Derecho a la Alimentación en la Comunidad de Madrid. Tiene publicados varios artículos y libros sobre pobreza y exclusión social, sobre "nueva pobreza" y sobre metodología de la Investigación social.

José Ramón González Parada, Red RIOS (Red de Investigación y Observatorio para la Solidaridad)

sociólogo, miembro de la Carta contra el Hambre y de la Red de Investigación y Observatorio de la Solidaridad (RIOS). Tiene varias publicaciones sobre soberanía alimentaria y emergencia alimentaria en diversos países. Fue director de la revista Esbozos. 


Marian Simón Rojo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

arquitecta urbanista, profesora asociada en la ETSAM, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) y miembro de la plataforma Madrid Agroecológico y del Observatorio para la Garantía del Derecho a la Alimentación en la Comunidad de Madrid. Tiene artículos y libros centrados en los sistemas alimentarios, la agricultura urbana y la sostenibilidad

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How to Cite
Serrano Pascual A., González Parada J. R. y Simón Rojo M. (2021). Initiatives to protect against hunger and food insecurity in Madrid region: is the hegemonic model of food banks in crisis?. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 35(1), 81-91.