Promoting mental fitness in the context of active ageing policies: Comparative analysis of action programme objectives in eight countries

Keywords: Ageing, welfare policies, social programmes, psychosocial intervention, objectives
Agencies: We are grateful to the following institutions for providing the data analysed in this study: Research Institute of the Red Cross (Austria); Trebag Ltd. (Hungary); University of Malaga (Spain); University of LiberEtàFVG (Italy); University of Chester (UK); IDEC S.A. (Greece); European University Cyprus (Cyprus) and the Multidisciplinary Centre in Modi’in (Israel).


In the context of an ageing European population there is increasing demand for policies and strategies aimed at maintaining or stimulating the cognitive abilities of older adults. Mental fitness programmes seek to maintain and promote the emotional and psychological wellbeing of older adults, enabling them to meet the demands of everyday life. Although many European countries have implemented programmes and services within a broad framework of active ageing, there are no standardised guidelines regarding how this should be done. In order to learn more about these programmes and services and provide useful information for decision making by policy makers we conducted a comparative study of the initiatives undertaken in eight different countries. Using qualitative content analysis we examined the stated objectives – in terms of attitudes, knowledge and abilities – of 116 programmes and services implemented across these countries. Overall, the results showed that ability objectives are much more common than are those focused on attitudes and knowledge. A more specific network analysis also provided information about how the sub-categories of each of the three kinds of objective are related to one another. The findings have practical implications for future planning of mental fitness programmes.


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Author Biographies

Carmen Romo Parra, Universidad de Málaga

Contratada Doctora Interina. Departamento de Psicología Social, Trabajo Social, Antropología Social y Estudios de Asia Oriental (Área de Trabajo Social).

Miguel Ángel García-Martín, Universidad de Málaga

Miguel Ángel García-Martín received a PhD in Psychology (with distinction) from the University of Malaga in 2000, and he is currently Associate Professor at the same university. His undergraduate teaching focuses on the application of psychology to research and psychosocial intervention with socially disadvantaged groups. He has also contributed to several Master’s degrees and doctoral programmes, notably Family Social Psychology, Family Relations and Quality of Life, and he currently coordinates the Social Intervention in Aging module on the Master’s in Social and Community Research and Intervention. His research interests are focused on the areas of social services for children at risk of social exclusion, foster care and psychosocial intervention with children and their families, and subjective wellbeing. His work as a researcher has been published in the following journals: Social Indicators Research, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Children and Youth Services Review, Journal of Social Work, International Journal of Social Work, Annals of Psychology, Psychological Writings, Activities, Adaptation & Aging, Journal of Women and Aging, Salud (i) Ciencia, International Journal of Psychology, International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation and Psicologia di Comunitá.

María Teresa Vera Balanza, Universidad de Málaga

Teresa Vera Balanza is Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Vice Dean for Academic Planning, Teaching Staff and Equality in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Malaga. She currently coordinates two research projects:‘Youth produsage in social networks and manifestations of gender inequality: New forms of violence’ (FEM2017-83302-C3-2-P; an R+D+i plan of Spain’s Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, 2018-2021), and the Erasmus+ project KA204‘Arguments against aggression: Strategies and tools against hate speech in face-to-face encounters and in social media’
(2018-DE02-KA204-005060; European Union, 2018-2020). Her most recent publications include: ‘Beyond Wikileaks: The Iceland modern initiative and the creation of free speech havens’, International Journal of Communication, 6, 2012,, with F. Fernández Cabello-Delgado; ‘El movimiento Femen en España. Culturas políticas y acciones comunicativas en un contexto de reacción’ [The Femen movement in Spain: Political cultures and communicative actions in a reactionary context], Revista Internacional de Comunicación y Desarrollo, 1-2, pp. 121-131, 2015; and ‘La violencia machista a la luz de las interpretaciones de las noticias aparecidas en los informativos’ [Interpreting representations of male violence in television news broadcasts], in Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 71, pp. 912-939, 2016., with I. Postigo Gómez and A. Cortés González.

José Jesús Delgado Peña, Universidad de Málaga

José Jesús Delgado Peña received a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a doctorate in Geography from the University of Malaga. He has coordinated several research groups, notably in the field of educational innovation and lifelong learning, including six national projects in Spain, one regional project (Application of new ICTs to improve university teaching), four projects at the University of Malaga (on teaching digital competences) and two projects for Spain’s Ministry of Science and Technology (Social and digital competences in university programmes for older adults in Spain). He has also coordinated a number of European projects, including E-Com+45 (on social and digital competences in older adult education), KIFLI (on promoting physical activity as part of older adult education), MENTA50+ (promoting cognitive functioning in older adults) and TICTac+55 (teaching older adults to use ICT). He currently coordinates the e-Civeles project on gamification and awareness of cultural heritage, and is involved in the D-Cult project, the aim of which is to create a virtual museum comprising works created by migrants, merging their own values with those of European culture. He is currently Director of Classroom 55+at the University of Malaga.

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How to Cite
Romo Parra C., García-Martín M. Á., Vera Balanza M. T. y Delgado Peña J. J. (2021). Promoting mental fitness in the context of active ageing policies: Comparative analysis of action programme objectives in eight countries. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 35(1), 5-17.