Agents in the transformation of social services

  • Fernando Fantova Azcoaga Consultor independiente
Keywords: social services, knowledge, technological innovation, social innovation, multi-actor collaboration, third sector


The author is an independent consultant in the economic sector and in public social services policy in Spain and in contact with the processes and products of various actors of the practical and knowledge networks involved or interested in this area of professional activity and social life. This article seeks to qualitatively describe and critically analyse the time of change that social services in Spain are experiencing in terms of sectoral and intersectoral dynamics, in order to explore the trends and opportunities for technological and social innovation and, within this framework, the potential and preferable role and approach (from their perspective) of the various public, third sector and private actors. Finally, a proposal is made for personalised, preventive, community, integrated, ecological, interdisciplinary and knowledge-based social services that are guaranteed as universal rights. The guarantors would be proactive and intelligent public authorities that recognise the historical role and added value of social initiative in the sector and know how to regulate and incorporate the role of commercial entities that contribute to economic, social and environmental sustainability in the territory.


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Author Biography

Fernando Fantova Azcoaga, Consultor independiente
Fernando Fantova, consultor social, trabaja en la intervención social y los servicios sociales desde finales de los 70. Es educador social, licenciado en psicología, máster en recursos humanos y doctor en sociología. Ha tenido experiencia en la atención directa, la dirección de organizaciones del tercer sector, la consultoría independiente (especialmente en España y Latinoamérica) y las responsabilidades políticas como viceconsejero de Asuntos Sociales del Gobierno Vasco. Es autor de 10 libros y 200 artículos, capítulos o ponencias relacionados con los servicios y, en general, las políticas sociales, la mayoría de los cuales están disponibles en
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How to Cite
Fantova Azcoaga F. (2019). Agents in the transformation of social services. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 32(2), 431-444.