Health and Social Work: an analysis from training and research perspectives

  • Luis Manuel Rodríguez Otero EUTS- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Mª Purificación García Álvarez EUTS- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: health, social work, education, research, university.


The relationship between social work and health arises out of its initial links with medical science, which developed healthcare social work and socio-healthcare social work via different routes, making its inclusion as part of the social field clear.

This research was conducted using a mixed methodology based on a double review of data, obtaining methodological triangulation. The first review consisted of examining the blog for the Conference of Spanish University Deans and Heads of Social Work in order to analyse the study plans for the universities at which the undergraduate degree is offered and identify the extent to which health is present. The second identified the articles from the Cuadernos de Trabajo Social journal that addressed health, to permit an analysis of themes and their relationship to the context. The results show that health has a strong presence in training plans and research. The three main themes are the professional relationship with health, older adults with disabilities and/or dependencies, and mental health. There are also clear differences in relation to the type of centre and year of publication.


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Author Biographies

Luis Manuel Rodríguez Otero, EUTS- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Docente-investigador de la EUTS-USC
Mª Purificación García Álvarez, EUTS- Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Docente-investigador de la EUTS-USC
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How to Cite
Rodríguez Otero L. M. y García Álvarez M. P. (2018). Health and Social Work: an analysis from training and research perspectives. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 32(1), 123-139.