The social services primary healthcare model subject to debate: professional dilemmas and reflections arising out of the Navarra case

  • Lucia Martinez Virto Departamento de Trabajo Social. Universidad Pública de Navarra
  • Begoña Pérez Eransus Departamento de Trabajo Social. Universidad Pública de Navarra
Keywords: social services, primary healthcare, new needs, decentralisation, specialisation.


The social services system was conceived in a social context highly different to the present one, characterised by full employment, the high integrative potential of traditional families and the low volume of dependent older adults. Social changes in recent decades in terms of employment, family models and increases in life expectancy, as well as the drastic consequences of the crisis for many households, have given rise to certain professional difficulties that fuel traditional debates revolving around the vagueness of the object of their action, the target population, its general or polyvalent character, the appearance of new actors and the delineation of powers as regards design, management and financing. The aim of this report is to develop reflections on the appropriate response of the current social services model to the new social and professional needs. The issues presented are the preliminary outcomes of a process of reflection among social services professionals that has begun to take place in the Foral Community of Navarra. Though Navarra’s primary healthcare model contains important particularities in comparison with those of other autonomous communities in Spain, the reflections that have begun to spark debates intended to contribute in addressing key issues for social services in Spain.


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Author Biographies

Lucia Martinez Virto, Departamento de Trabajo Social. Universidad Pública de Navarra
Lucía Martínez Virto es Profesora Ayudante Doctora en el departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Pública de Navarra y miembro del equipo de investigación ALTER. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en los servicios sociales, las políticas de inclusión y la exclusión social. Cuenta con importante experiencia investigadora en estas áreas a nivel europeo, estatal y autonómico.
Begoña Pérez Eransus, Departamento de Trabajo Social. Universidad Pública de Navarra
Begoña Pérez Eransus es Profesora titular de política social del departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Pública de Navarra y responsable del equipo de investigación ALTER. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en el ámbito de los servicios sociales, la exclusión social y el análisis de las políticas sociales. Cuenta con una larga trayectoria académica e investigadora en estas líneas, tanto a nivel local, nacional e internacional.
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How to Cite
Martinez Virto L. y Pérez Eransus B. (2018). The social services primary healthcare model subject to debate: professional dilemmas and reflections arising out of the Navarra case. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 31(2), 333-354.