Quality in social inclusion services. An approach from the specific case of Avilés (Asturias)

  • Miguel Arenas Martínez Universidad de Oviedo y Ayuntamiento de Avilés (Asturias)
Keywords: inclusion Social Services, perceived quality, social need, social participation, SERVQUAL questionnaire.


The prospect of people served has only begun to be seen from recently in Social Services. This paper takes a small step in that direction by exposing the approach, analysis and results of a representative interview about the perceived quality of at the centers of the four areas that make up these community services in Avilés (Asturias). Ratings have been eloquently good to be perceived quality around nine out of ten. You need to place these results in the context of social services, when inequality, the severance of ties and/or social exclusion have demolished social reference plugs and i am just resorting to them; but immediately is also important, as a starting point, weigh the importance of that satisfaction with professionals, services and benefits as this means that minimum standards are maintained to start deepen proceedings with more inclusive efficacy which should be assessed with methods and different categories to display here.


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Author Biography

Miguel Arenas Martínez, Universidad de Oviedo y Ayuntamiento de Avilés (Asturias)

Departamento de sociología Universidad de Oviedo.

Sociólogo servicios sociales municipales, Área de Bienestar Ayuntamiento de Avilés.



How to Cite
Arenas Martínez M. (2015). Quality in social inclusion services. An approach from the specific case of Avilés (Asturias). Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 28(1), 115-125. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CUTS.2015.v28.n1.47882