What the System Hides: A Case of Sexual Abuse

  • Nuria Martinez Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
  • Soraya Ruano Instituciones Penitenciarias
Keywords: Bulimia nervosa, sexual abuse, incest, systemic family therapy


In this paper, a real clinical case is evaluated from a systemic point of view. María is an adolescent diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, who, initially, comes to the medical office to treat her eating disorder, but then she reveals that she has been a victim of intra-familial sexual abuse when the professional asks her about relationships between family members. This case will enable an examination of several matters: 1st. The importance of the frame of reference: the reality of the patient can be incomprehensible if the doctor only pays attention to the clinical situation, disregarding the ecology of her home environment. 2nd. The view of the disease as a symptom of inner suffering which has its origin in family difficulties. 3rd. The patient’s improvement begins with the disclosure of a traumatic secret, but not on the individual level, as in the classic psychodynamic model, but on a family level. 4th. The overcoming of the trauma, which was started with the revelation, is not completed until the readjustment of the family system.


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Author Biographies

Nuria Martinez, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
Médico Adjunto de psiquiatría infanto-juvenil en el Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre de Madrid. Especialista en Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria en el Hospital Clínico Universitario San Cecilio de Granada (1995-99). Doctora en Medicina Interna por la Universidad de Granada (2001). Especialista en Psiquiatría por el Hospital Neurotraumatológico de Jaén (2002-06). Especialista de Psiquiatría Infantil ydel adolescente en la Universidad de New York gracias a las becas de formaciónen el extranjero de la Fundación Alicia Koplowitz (2006-08). Máster en psicoanálisis infantil en el Instituto psicoanalítico de New York (2006-08).Formación en Terapia Familiar sistémica en la Universidad de New York y el Instituto Ackerman de Terapia sistémica (2006-8). Publicaciones recientes:-Stimulant and atypical antipsychotic medications for children placed in foster homes. Linares LO,Martinez-Martin N, Castellanos FX. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e54152. Epub 2013 Jan 9.- Self-perceived needs are related to violent behavior among schizophrenia outpatients.Martínez-Martín N, Fraguas D, García-Portilla MP, Sáiz PA,Bascarán MT, Arango C, Bobes J.J Nerv Ment Dis.2011 Sep; 199(9):666-71.
Soraya Ruano, Instituciones Penitenciarias
Diplomada en Trabajo Social (2004-2007).Experta en Servicios Sociales Municipales(2007-2008). Trabajadora social Fundación Alas Moratalaz (2007-2008). Trabajadora Social Afandem- Grupo Amás (2008-2010). Trabajadora social ministerio del Interior. Instituciones penitenciarias. Publicaciones recientes:Dinamizadora en el IV Congreso Nacional de Familias de Personas con DiscapacidadIntelectual (2009)



How to Cite
Martinez N. y Ruano S. (2013). What the System Hides: A Case of Sexual Abuse. Cuadernos de Trabajo Social, 26(2), 305-314. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CUTS.2013.v26.n2.42546