The Crown and the control of nobility reconaissance: the activities of the general attorney of the Chancellery of Granada, revised. Analysis and documents
The inquiries made in 1590 about the activities of general attorneys of Granada in lawsuits of gentlemanship from 1579 until 1590 are analyzed and studied here, along with the edition of a documental collection which summarizes them. The full text of the inquiries performed by the magistrate Benavente de Benavides, which were focused on general attorney Diego de Amézaga and are enclosed in the Visit by don Juan de Acuña to that Royal Chancellery, as well as a documental collection summarising them, are provided. The precision of this performance, its neatly legal nature and the consequences it had, give a new perspective on these litigations that in certain cases have been defined by the historiography as mere formalities and that however had a complex and hard nature that were kept unnoticed until now.Downloads
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