La desigualdad a través de la igualación: una perspectiva de género sobre la colación en testamentos ubetenses de los siglos XV y XVI

  • Raquel Medina Plana
Keywords: Gender history, Kinship, Successoral private law, Legal anthropology, 15-15th centuries, Wills, Úbeda, Collation, Dowry


The obligation to bring to collation the goods given to the forced heir by the ascendant during his lifetime is one of the institutions of greater continuity in the successoral laws. Nevertheless, throughout the Low Middle Ages the sense of the institution is modified in a very concrete direction: the recovery for the familiar patrimony of the amounts given to the children because of marriage; especially, the dowry given to the daughters. It is on those amounts where the collation is exerted with greater force and intensity, as it is shown by the analysis of a series of more than five hundred wills belonging to a notarial archive of the city of Úbeda and dating from the 15th and 16th centuries.


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How to Cite
Medina Plana R. (2011). La desigualdad a través de la igualación: una perspectiva de género sobre la colación en testamentos ubetenses de los siglos XV y XVI. Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 357-372.