The satirical press and power. Analysis of a 19th century newspaper

  • Alicia Duñaiturria Laguarda Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Press, politics, satire, Monarchy, Republic, 19th century


This article analyzes how in Spanish political history the press has served as a means of criticism of power. The satire of the 19th century, more intelligent than the current (more vulgar), used irony and caricature to expose its ideas to an audience eager to know the back room of the political class. For this purpose we have reviewed all the issues published over the course of almost a year by a newspaper called La correspondencia del Diablo, which have been consulted and downloaded from the Hemeroteca Municipal de Madrid (digital). The freedom of the press at the time protected the existence of newspaper headlines that were openly Republican, although finally their control meant the disappearance of many of them.


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How to Cite
Duñaiturria Laguarda A. (2022). The satirical press and power. Analysis of a 19th century newspaper. Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 29, 115-138.