Spanish municipal and guilds ordinances in the "Archivo Histórico Nacional"

  • Inocencio Cadiñanos Bardeci
Keywords: Ordinances, laws, customs, municipality, guild, economic regulation and craftsmanship


There is no government without laws and, for that reason, the towns have endowed ordinances for themselves as well as for their guilds. An ordinance is, for the municipal context, the embodiment of its administrative law. For the guilds, it is the very foundation of their organization. In both cases, ordinances had to be approved by the Royal Council. Their birth took place in the middle ages and went on until the 19th century. All of them reflect the predominant economic activity in the region.


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How to Cite
Cadiñanos Bardeci I. (2017). Spanish municipal and guilds ordinances in the "Archivo Histórico Nacional". Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 24, 253-410.