Again on the enforceable chart of don Francisco Pizarro: the arrival of American gold stocks to Spain (1536-1553)

  • Pedro Andrés Porras Arboledas Catedrático acreditado de Historia del Derecho Departamento de Historia del Derecho Instituto de Metodología e Historia de la Ciencia Jurídica Facultad de Derecho. UCM
Keywords: Francisco Pizarro, Gonzalo Pizarro, Hernando Pizarro, Peru, gold stocks, Land of Preste Juan de las Indias


Besides researching the last goal of the execution of a trial between Francisco Pizarro, governor of Peru, and his mandatory, Pedro de Barrantes on behalf of the gold sent to Spain, the present work reviews all the data found in the Archives of the Grenade Chancellery on the arrival of gold to Spain. Also, a curious trial on a subject of Preste Juan is included.


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How to Cite
Porras Arboledas P. A. (2016). Again on the enforceable chart of don Francisco Pizarro: the arrival of American gold stocks to Spain (1536-1553). Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 23, 285-338.