Alonso de Burgos and the founding and first statutes of Saint Gregory college in Valladolid. The regulation of religious and academic life in the observantes Dominican friars in the Castilian 15th century

  • Jorge Díaz Ibáñez Profesor Titular de Historia Medieval Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Saint Gregory college, Alonso de Burgos, Valladolid, 15th century, Dominican friars, universities, college statutes, theology


In the present article we analyze in the first place the founding, at the end of 15th century, of Saint Gregory college in Valladolid by the Dominican friar and bishop, royal confessor and counselor Alonso de Burgos. The college was only and exclusively for observantes Dominican friars, was specialised in theology and belonged to royal patronage. Right after, at the article’s core, the first college statutes given by Alonso de Burgos are analyzed, and finally we offer their complete transcription.


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How to Cite
Díaz Ibáñez J. (2016). Alonso de Burgos and the founding and first statutes of Saint Gregory college in Valladolid. The regulation of religious and academic life in the observantes Dominican friars in the Castilian 15th century. Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho, 23, 41-100.