Trabajo y compasión en el mundo hospitalario. Una aproximación a través de la psicodinámica del trabajo

  • Pascale Molinier
Keywords: Psychodynamics of work, Nurses, Caring, Maintenance and technical hospital staff,


Starting from the clinic and the theory of psychodynamics of work, the author shows that compassion is not a “natural” psychological capacity for nurses, but a collective construction formed by the caring experience. A majority of men work in the tecnical hospital sector (maintenance, canteens, etc.). A investigation among the managers of this sector suggest that hospital technical staff belong to the same universe of experience as that of the nursing staff. Corporatist division could be overcome around the compassionate dimension of hospital work and new form of solidarity between nursing and technical staff, women and men, could be invented.


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How to Cite
Molinier P. . (2009). Trabajo y compasión en el mundo hospitalario. Una aproximación a través de la psicodinámica del trabajo. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 26(2), 121-138.