Estrategias sindicales y modelo económico español

  • Josep V. Pitxer i Campos
  • Amat Sánchez Velasco
Keywords: Union strategies, Economic model, Collective bargaining, Social agreements


The aim of this paper is to analyse the effects of the union presence and their strategies at different bargaining level (sector, territorial and confederal) in the transformation of the Spanish economic model. In order to characterize the current economic model in Spain we focus on the labour market output (in quantitative and qualitative terms), productive structure and technological model. This analysis points out the framework in which union activity is taking place and the main goals that should be in the unions’ agenda. In addition, in the paper is analysed the union incidence at company level (union density, representativeness and collective bargaining) in different economic activity sectors, taking into account their labour and productive situation. Finally, we analyse the participation and the union strategies at confederal level (territorial and central) as well as the potentialities and limitations of the social agreements to modify the dynamics of the Spanish economic model.


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How to Cite
Pitxer i Campos J. V. y Sánchez Velasco A. (2008). Estrategias sindicales y modelo económico español. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 26(1), 89-122.