«Los lunes al sol» o «los lunes en casa». Roles de género y vivencias del tiempo de desempleo

  • María M. Poveda Rosa
Keywords: Woman, Unemployment, Work, Time


The analysis of interviews to unemployed people has contributed to prove that the policies aimed to increase the labour market flexibility as the consequent precarization and unemployment have had a negative impact on the willingness to obtain more symmetric social relationships between both sexes. Formal equality and changes in the models that serve men and women as a basis to plan their life and career encounter the obstacle of a social organization of employment that reinforces gender determined behaviours and aptitudes in certain groups especially vulnerable in terms of labour. This can be observed at its maximum in the different ways men and women experience the time of unemployment.


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How to Cite
Poveda Rosa M. M. . (2007). «Los lunes al sol» o «los lunes en casa». Roles de género y vivencias del tiempo de desempleo. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 24(2), 85-110. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CRLA/article/view/CRLA0606220085A