Estrategias temporales: relaciones entre tiempo de trabajo remunerado y tiempo de trabajo doméstico.

  • Javier Callejo Gallego


This work presents one of the results of the discours analysis from eleven discussion groups about labour life and family life. Groups structure the time on two axes. First, they evaluate the adjustment between working and family times, specially emphasize tensions and conflicts. It is named temporal tactics. Secondly, the part of the two kinds of time —working and family— on the life project it is the source of value of every social time. Persons and society evaluate every time from the frame of their life projects. It is named temporal strategies. The article develops the relations between temporal tactics and strategies, with a special attention on gender differences.


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How to Cite
Callejo Gallego J. (2005). Estrategias temporales: relaciones entre tiempo de trabajo remunerado y tiempo de trabajo doméstico. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 23(1), 175-204.