De la inclinación al trabajo a la inclinación al empleo. Un análisis de las transformaciones de la organización capitalista de la producción a partir de una categoría weberiana.

  • Francisco Fernández Fernández
Keywords: Capitalist organization of the production, Marx, Weber, Social tendency to labour, Social tendency to the employment, Economic sociology,


The aim of this article is to analyse how the social tendency to the labour has transformed, in the reflective postmodern society, also knowed as the communication and knowledge society, into a social tendency to employment; that is, it has changed its content for being at the present time a necessary consequence generated by the capitalist organization of the production for being reproduced. To come to this conclusion, we have started from the observation of the new social phenomena, both internal and external, about the capitalist organization of the production, taking into account the analyse of conditions for the emergence and consolidation of this kind of organization proposed by Weber, initially focussed on the attainment of the social tendency to labour externally and later, internally.


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How to Cite
Fernández Fernández F. (2003). De la inclinación al trabajo a la inclinación al empleo. Un análisis de las transformaciones de la organización capitalista de la producción a partir de una categoría weberiana. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 21(2), 231-254.