Por un análisis ampliado de la relación salarial

  • Pierre Rolle
Keywords: Wage relation, Social wage, Employment regime, Work, Working class


The relative coherence of the incomes’ distribution, of consumption and inversion, does it prolong that of an earlier means of production, an original wage regime, a hypothetical system of which the socialised wage regime would only represent a variant? Or could it be that the governing formula, nowadays protested, which during several decades had managed to combine the economy of a capitalistic kind with the nations that arbitrated it, had established a new balance instead of the perpetual conflict? It is a crucial issue: in short, it is a matter of knowing if the counter revolution can ultimately succeed and, should this be the case, whether it re-establishes an ancient order or it starts an irrevocable chaos, and, also, whether it funds a new world organisation, probably not less confused and hard fought than the preceding ones.


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How to Cite
Rolle P. . (2003). Por un análisis ampliado de la relación salarial. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 21(2), 145-175. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CRLA/article/view/CRLA0303220145A