La estrategia de la perspectiva de género en las relaciones laborales de los países europeos.

  • Rachel Silvera
Keywords: sexual discrimination, mainstreaming, equal opportunities, measures to combat sexual discrimination, Euro


Equal opportunities between men and women is one of the express objectives of the employment guidelines in the Employment Action Plans introduced as of 1998. Apart from the measures to combat sexual discrimination in employment (unemployment, earnings, occupational segregation, etc.) it is now a declared objective to introduce an integrated approach through mainstreaming, making equality cut across all of the employment pillars. This article seeks to highlight the innovative measures that have been taken in this field and the progress that has been made since 1998. However, it also purpor ts to show where ground has been lost and where the gaps in the European Plans lie. Lastly, the article discusses the industrial relations in Europe's place in these debates.


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How to Cite
Silvera R. (2001). La estrategia de la perspectiva de género en las relaciones laborales de los países europeos. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 19, 123.