Representación y representatividad sindical en la globalización.

  • Antonio Baylos
Keywords: globalisation, representation, union representativeness, unions, supranational collective bargaining, transnatio


In our globalised world, the exacerbation of old factors by new conditions under which the world economy functions underpins the crisis of union representation. De-politisation and de-nationalisation particularly generate disfunctions and obstacles that it is hard for unions to ignore. In any event, the building of supra and transnational spheres of representation poses both a problem and a feasible task. This article stresses the possibilities in doing so, indicating the fragmentar y aspects that have thus far been present in unions' adaptation to the global era. The article brings out the European experience as a laborator y of ideas that may be able to be subsequently developed. Special attention is paid to the efforts made to build spheres of representation accompanied by a process of creating new r ules that include and feed back into these practices. Here, both the political and technical notions of representativeness play an important role, even considering their significant shortcomings when passing on to real action. In conclusion, the union as a social form* is an important point of reference in the building of a «social movement» sustaining both an alternative to globalisation and its indeclinable objectives in making society more democratic.


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How to Cite
Baylos A. (2001). Representación y representatividad sindical en la globalización. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 19, 69.