The deterioration of occupational health as a profitability strategy in Ecuador. An analysis of health and safety legislation under neo-developmentalism

  • Sergio Pena Dopico Universidad Estatal de Milagro
Keywords: productive models, labour relations, social security, work accidents and occupational diseases, labour inspection


The international division of labour specializes certain countries in the export of primary products of low added value and at low cost. The overexploitation of the workforce, understood as an accelerated health deterioration for the worker, has been a key element in maintaining this strategy. This article analyzes the legal and institutional mechanisms that have been developed in Ecuador in the last decade to maintain and deepen this practice. For this, a critical analysis of the Occupational Health and Safety legislation produced in the last political stage of the country is used. Based on this, the construction of a bureaucratic-individualizing system is described, which seeks the exemption of responsibilities and obligations for companies, facilitating the cheap replacement of a rapidly deteriorated and disposable workforce.


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How to Cite
Pena Dopico S. (2020). The deterioration of occupational health as a profitability strategy in Ecuador. An analysis of health and safety legislation under neo-developmentalism. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 38(2), 365-385.