The model for accreditation in the Andalusian public health system

  • Manuel Morales Valero Universidad de Granada
  • José María González González Universidad de Granada
Keywords: Healthcare reforms, health management, neoliberalism, governmentality, healthcare organisations.


. The implementation of the quality model proposed by the Andalusian regional government to manage its health system encounters various resistances that hinder the adoption of the model as a management tool by the stakeholders in the organisations that constitute the system. In this paper, we address this problem based on an analysis of discourse whereby, relying on the concept of interpretative repertoire put forward by Potter and Wetherell (1987). Next, we present the results of this analysis in terms of the characteristics of the objects that make up the system. These organizational objects explain the complex reality of health system showing the existence of implicit partial consensus (public nature of the health system; economic incentives do not useful for increasing motivation or the negative effect of the traditional politic manners into the public management) that it could give the option for a dialogic management model putting together all the interests towards the same strategic way.


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How to Cite
Morales Valero M. y González González J. M. (2017). The model for accreditation in the Andalusian public health system. Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, 35(1), 187-208.