Relecturas del Decameron y del Amadís de Gaula en Matteo Bandello
In this paper I intend analyze Matteo Bandello’s short story I, 27, entitled Don Diego da la sua donna sprezzato va a starsi in una grotta, e come n’uscì, through the sources that will be indicated herein. Matteo Bandello is the most important author of Italian short stories of the 16th century. He maintained various relationships with the contemporary cultural and political élite. His works had a European reception, beginning from France, and were also used as hypotext to Shakespeare’s dramas. The short story I, 27 processes many thematic and linguistic elements of Boccaccio’s Decameron and makes continuous references to Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo’s Amadís de Gaula, read in the translation attributed to Mambrino Roseo da Fabriano, thus suggesting an original vision of chivalric and love relationships.Downloads
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