The inflection of the noun in the dialect of Blera (VT). Inflection classes, productivity, gender

  • Mario Wild Universität Zürich
  • Stefano Cristelli Universität Zürich
Keywords: nominal morphology, morphosyntax, dialects of Lazio, area perimediana


This paper analyses the nouns’ inflection in the dialect of Blera based on the Vocabolario del dialetto di Blera by F. Petroselli. We provide a complete overview of the inflection (sub)classes that can be found, including the quantitative distribution of the lexemes over the single paradigms. This description is completed by considerations concerning syncretism – under the light of Canonical Typology –, the semantics of the nouns with plural ‑a, the inflection of compounds, productivity (in qualitative, not quantitative terms) and the relation between inflection and gender (with respect to the association inflection class-gender as well as the productive assignment rules).


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How to Cite
Wild M. y Cristelli S. (2023). The inflection of the noun in the dialect of Blera (VT). Inflection classes, productivity, gender. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 30, 251-277.