«New paths of Beauty». Dantesque intertextuality in the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto

  • Massimo Colella Fondazione 1563 - Torino (dipl. Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa; PhD Firenze - Paris/Sorbonne - Bonn)
Keywords: poetry, intertextuality, Andrea Zanzotto, Dante Alighieri


The aim of the essay is to offer a new intertextual reading of the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto by underscoring and examining the method of introjection and resemantization of Dante’s works. In particular, the critical aim is to explore and clarify Zanzotto’s original dialogue with the work and the Weltanschauung of Dante Alighieri by underlining general isotopies and specific intertextual borrowings from the Commedia in the poetic construction of the collection Conglomerati (2009).


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How to Cite
Colella M. (2018). «New paths of Beauty». Dantesque intertextuality in the poetry of Andrea Zanzotto. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 25, 213-231. https://doi.org/10.5209/CFIT.58138
Literary and Cultural Studies