"Carosello" in the classroom. Italian history and culture in a language class

  • Anna Scicolone Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: Carosello, spot, italian television, Rai, audiovisual


This work of theoretical reflection results from my practical experience in the Escuela Oficial de Idiomas of Madrid-Valdezarza and was carried out between February and May 2013. My former training as a historian, particularly centered on the relationship between History and its audio-visual representation, has certainly had an influence on the choice of the theme I proposed to students of LS Italian in class. Not only grammar and syntax, but also Italian history and culture: that has been the objective I wanted to carry on since the beginning and it was fully supported by the tutor of my Institute. The whole programme was backed by articulate thinking about the difficult and delicate context of Italy’s second postwar period. I singled out Carosello, a word that is unknown and devoid of meaning to many people, though it is part of collective imaginary for the Italians who were brought up, lived and studied in the period between 1957 and 1977.


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Author Biography

Anna Scicolone, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Profesor ayudante doctor, Dpto. de Filología Moderna, Facultad de Letras
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How to Cite
Scicolone A. (2018). "Carosello" in the classroom. Italian history and culture in a language class. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 25, 113-133. https://doi.org/10.5209/CFIT.54652
Linguistic Studies