"L’Isola di Arturo". The Passage from Microcosmos to Macrocosmos

  • Flavia Cartoni Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: L’isola di Arturo, Elsa Morante, misogyny, Father’s myth, female charachters.


The goal of my work on Elsa Morante’s novel, L’isola di Arturo, is to give the right emphasis to the evolution of the young protagonist. This works also reflects on the weight of the father’s figure, Wilhelm, as the protagonist of the narrative-like Arturo. Prior to taking a tour on Chapter IV “Regina delle donne” we notice the traditional misogyny ruling the space of Procida’s house. The mentioned chapter will serve then as a counter balance of female characters in positivity, consciousness and determination. I propose a different reading of the novel, referring also to the few Morante’s autobiographical texts underlying the reading of this novel (Diario 1938, Lettere all’amata)


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How to Cite
Cartoni F. (2015). "L’Isola di Arturo". The Passage from Microcosmos to Macrocosmos. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 21(Especial), 63-74. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CFIT.2014.v21.48724