A possible Fragment of "Ordine della vita cristiana" by Simone Fidati da Cascia in the Manuscript "ital. quart. 82" at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków.

  • Roman Sosnowski Università Jagellonica di Cracovia
  • Sandra Strugala Università Jagellonica di Cracovia
Keywords: Simone Fidati da Cascia, religious prose of the Middle Ages, edition of vernacular texts, medieval Tuscan dialect


The purpose of the following article is to publish the manuscript ital. quart. 82, kept at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków. This codex constitutes an interesting fragment of religious prose of the Middle Ages (Simone Fidati da Cascia, Ordine della vita cristiana) because as compared to the textual tradition of the treatise, it presents a number of enhancements which are not included in other manuscripts. This article provides the physical description of the manuscript ital. quart. 82, followed by the edition of the manuscript itself. The second part of the article contains a reconstruction of the text, which is compared to a previous edition of Arrigo Levasti (1935). Moreover, the present paper, apart from delineating the main aspects of the text, describes the linguistic features of the manuscript commenting shortly on the grammatical forms and the language of the treatise.


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How to Cite
Sosnowski R. y Strugala S. (2014). A possible Fragment of "Ordine della vita cristiana" by Simone Fidati da Cascia in the Manuscript "ital. quart. 82" at the Jagiellonian Library in Kraków. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 21, 107-119. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CFIT.2014.v21.47459
Linguistic Studies