The visual power in Cesare Pavese’s works: betheen writting and image

  • Elisa Martínez Garrido Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Writting, image, symbol, ekphrasis, poetry, painting, Pavese.


This essay studies the decisive importance that the symbol-image developes inside the Cesare Pavese’s works, specially in Feria d’agosto and La luna e i falò. In both texts we find a clare pictorial ekphrasis which tell us about the poetical allusivity of his more liryc and elegiac novels, an evident contribution to the stilistic simplicity of Pavese’s prose.


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How to Cite
Martínez Garrido E. (2012). The visual power in Cesare Pavese’s works: betheen writting and image. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, Extra, 233-255.