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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.
  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.


Author Guidelines

1. «Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: estudios griegos e indoeuropeos» CFC (G) will host in its pages original and unpublished collaborations that deal with the fields included under the concepts of Greek Philology and Indo-European Linguistics. Any consultation can be made at the following email address:

2. Contributions can be sent through the journal’s website ( Contributions will be written in Spanish or in any of the official languages of the International Congresses of the FIEC. If an article is the work of more than an author, the journal must be informed about the criteria chosen to decide the order of signature and, if necessary and possible, about the specific contribution of each author.

3. The articles received will be submitted to external evaluation, which will be carried out by two evaluators. If there is a discrepancy of opinions, it will be submitted for the consideration of a third party. The Editorial Board of the journal will inform the authors of the editorial decisión, accompanied by a report in which, based on the observations of the reviewers, the reasons that have motivated de aceptance, rejection or recommendation of revisión of the original will be stated.

4. The annual period for the admission of originals closes on November 30th for articles and January 31th for reviews.

5. Authors will correct first and second printing proofs. Only corrections of material errors and the minimum essential alterations will be admitted. If the author does not return the corrected proofs within the period set by the Editorial Board, it will be understood that the author renounces its correction.

6. CFC(G)is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors in their contributions. The copyright of all contributions published by any means of dissemination or support are the property of the journal.

7. Instructionsfor authors

Times New Roman, Unicode characters, will be used for any alphabet (except if it is necessary to use special characters that Times New Roman do not contain).

7.1.  Presentation of the article

  • Title of article, in the language in which it is written (lowercase, size 14).
  • Name of author, size 12; first name in rounded font and surname(s) in small caps (for example: Carmen Blanco Martínez). In a footnote, the institution to which the author belongs and an email address will be stated, as well as, if it is the case, the data of the project in which the investigation has been developed.
  • Abstract (maximum of 200 words) and keywords (separated by semicolons) in the language of the article, size 11.
  • English title, lowercase size 14 (if the article is written in English, the title in Spanish will be indicated here).
  • Abstract and keywords in English, size 11 (if the article is written in English, the abstract and the keywords in Spanish will be added here).
  • Summary (size 11), in which the sections and subsections into which the article is divided will be indicated. For example: 1. Introduction. 2. Three items. 2.1. First item. 2.2. Second item. 2.3. Third item. 3. Conclusions.

7.2.  Typography and composition

  • In the text of the article, New Times Roman characters will be used (size12, one space).
  • Sections and subsections will appear in a separate paragraph, with titles in bold and size 12, and numbered with Arabic numerals, according to the following system: 1. First section. 1.1. First subsection. 1.1.1. Secondary subsection. 1.2. Second subsection. 2. Second section, etc.
  • Italics will be used for titles of works (ancient and modern) and journals, and for sentences and single words in languages other than Spanish (or the language in which the article is written), except those written in other alphabets, including Greek.
  • Greek words and quotations will appear in Unicode characters, in rounded Font. In the case of well-known concepts, they may appear in italicized Latin letters, keeping the accents: for example, lógosareté, paideía.
  • Short literal quotations (less than four lines) will appear embedded in the body of the text, between double high quotation marks. Long literal quotations will be appear in a separate paragraph (with a double space separating both the previous and next paragraphs), with an indentation of 1’25 cm. in the left margin and without quotation marks. If the original text is presented (in Greek, for example) followed by its translation, both of them will appear in a separate paragraph and indented.
  • Footnote marks will be placed before puntuation
  1. Abbreviations
  • Abbreviations of Latin words will appear in italics: , et al.i.e.vid., and also suprainfra, etc.
  • For ancient Greek authors and works will be used the abbreviations proposed in the Diccionario Griego-Español (DGE) or in Liddell-Scott-Jones’ Greek-English Dictionary; and for Latin authors and works the abbreviations proposed in the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae (TLL), in the Lewis-Short’s Latin-English Dictionary, or in the Diccionario Latino-Español part. 0.
  • For the journals, abbreviations of L’Année Philologique will be used.
  1. Bibliographical references
  • In the body of the article and in the footnotes only the author’s surname(s) will be cited, followed by the year of publication and, after a colon (:), the cited pages. When the citation in not integrated into the syntax of the sentence, the entire reference will be indicated in parenthesis: “it has been observed (Gil Fernández 1996: 112-134) that Aristophanes …”. If author’s name is integrated in the syntax of the sentence, only the reference to the year and the pages will be indicated in parenthesis: “Gil Fernández (1996: 112-134) has observed that Aristophanes …”. In the footnotes the citation will be made as follows if the footnote only contains the bibliographical reference: “See Gil Fernández (1996: 112-134)”.
  • If several works by the same author published in the same year are cited, they will be differentiated by the letter of the alphabet: Gil Fernández 1996a.
  • In the final bibliography, the names of the publishing cities may appear in Spanish (for example: Múnich) or in their original languages (for example: München), always following the same criteria within the same article; and the same can be said of the author’s first name, which may be written in full (Gil Fernández, Luis) or in abbreviation (Gil Fernández, L.), always following the same criteria within the same article.
  • If a bibliografical reference is the work of two authors, their names will be separated by the sign &, in order to avoid confusion with double surnames as “Menéndez y Pelayo”: for example, Benvenuto, Maria Carmela & Pompeo, Flavia (2015) … If they are more than two authors, the sign & will be placed between the last two names, and the others will be separated by commas.
  • Books will be cited as follows:

Rodríguez Adrados, Francisco (1990), Líricos griegos. Elegiacos y yambógrafos arcaicos (siglos VII-V a.C.), Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.

  • Articles will be cited as follows:

Lasso de la Vega, José (1971), «Los coros de Edipo Rey; notas de métrica», CFC 2: 9-95.

  • Contributions in collective books will be cited as follows:

Bernabé Pajares, Alberto (2019), «Parménides: entre lingüística, literatura y filosofía», en A. Bernabé Pajares (ed.), Parmenide: tra linguistica, letteratura e filosofia, Baden-Baden, Academia Verlag: 49-118.

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