Creating educational resources: innovation, Arduino and maker movement

  • Cristiane Samária Gomes da Silva 1Mestranda do Programa de Tecnologias da Inteligencia e Design Digital. Pontificia Universidade Católica de Sao Paulo (Brasil)
  • María del Carmen Sforza Gil Mestranda em Educaçao. UDE (Uruguay)
Keywords: creative learning, maker Culture, Fab Labs, Arduino, digital culture.


At a Fablab in the city of São Paulo, in a very dynamic and fast way, with the help of the maker community, we have assembled an educational kit designed to universalize the access to low-cost technological resources in which beginners of electronic can not only have their first contact with the principles of electronics, but also with the programming of Arduino Uno. Our challenge was this: How about creating our own resources? And if it were in the shape of a Beetle with lights blinking happily? This nice and popular car that turned out to be universal can be a good ambassador of the Arduino that has also been spread worldwide. And, in this context, based in Seymour Papert's Theory of Constructionism (1985 and 2007), Mitchel Resnick 4Ps (2018) and hands-on education, a product created at Fab Lab has gone beyond boundaries. It has entered educational environments, taking the maker culture into those spaces. In addition, it has provided a bridge connecting the makers and the education.


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How to Cite
Gomes da Silva C. S. y Sforza Gil M. d. C. (2019). Creating educational resources: innovation, Arduino and maker movement. Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia, 30, 129-144.