EVAAN: An empirical verification argument against naturalism

  • Ward Blondé a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:22:"Independent Researcher";}


Alvin Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism (EAAN) claims that if both naturalism (N) and evolutionary theory (E) are true, then all our beliefs are unreliable (premiss 1). Consequently, given N&E, the belief in N&E is unreliable (premiss 2) and N&E is self-defeating (conclusion). My empirical verification argument against naturalism (EVAAN) is more cautious and improves Plantinga’s EAAN by withstanding a rejoinder of the evolutionary naturalist to premiss 1. EVAAN claims that metaphysical beliefs are unreliable, given N&E (premiss 1a). This anticipates the evolutionary naturalist’s claim that empirical verification plays a crucial role in peer assessments and sexual selection of intelligence, and that, therefore, N&E makes empirically verifiable beliefs often reliable (premiss-1 rejoinder). However, even then it can be argued that the belief in N&E is unreliable, given N&E (premiss 2), because N&E is metaphysical (premiss 1b) and therefore not empirically verifiable. My EVAAN distinguishes reliably verifiable intelligence from metaphysical intelligence and claims that, if N&E is true, humans are lacking metaphysical intelligence. This paper also contains an argument against Plantinga’s EAAN, by supporting the premiss-1 rejoinder.


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Come citare
Blondé W. (2023). EVAAN: An empirical verification argument against naturalism. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 56(2), 345-362. https://doi.org/10.5209/asem.88829