El valor de las universidades. The evaluation of the university

  • Dámaso López García
Keywords: University, Evaluation, Norm, Comparison among institutions, Teaching,


This paper intends to analyse several different aspects of the recent evolution of Western Universities. This evolution is analysed through the examples offered by recent changes in the norms of some of these institutions, and the different elements that condition these changes are analysed as well. These changes could, to a certain extent, make it possible to speak about a refounding of universities, at least in Spain. The tools that are applied to the evaluation of universities are also taken into account, as are the relative value of universities and the hierarchical dependence among them. Lastly, and with the aid of a practical example, the methods by which universities are evaluated are questioned.


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How to Cite
López García D. (2006). El valor de las universidades. The evaluation of the university. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 39, 253. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ASEM/article/view/ASEM0606110253A