The possibility of a non-metaphysical horizontality in Jean-Luc Marion

  • Ezequiel Daniel Murga CONICET
Keywords: horizon, phenomenology, metaphysics, Marion, Husserl, givenness


This paper explores the use of horizontality in Marion's work with the purpose of distinguishing the various senses that this term takes on in his oeuvre. After delimiting these senses and uses, the goal is to establish Marion's critique of a metaphysical employment of horizontality, identified in the works of Husserl and Heidegger. Subsequently, it seeks to demonstrate that Marion does not abandon the notion of horizon against Geniusas interpretation but proposes a non-metaphysical use of horizontality, which, from my perspective, remains profoundly phenomenological and has its roots in the Husserlian tradition. Finally, the question of unity among the multiple senses of horizontality present in Marion's work is addressed. To resolve this issue, the proposals of Geniusas and Walton are revisited, providing a framework for thinking about the unity of horizontality in Husserl, and it is suggested to apply these ideas also to the analysis of Marion. 


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Author Biography

Ezequiel Daniel Murga, CONICET

Universidad del Salvador, Centro de Estudios Filosóficos de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires y Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas.

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How to Cite
Murga E. D. (2024). The possibility of a non-metaphysical horizontality in Jean-Luc Marion. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 57(2), 309-325.