At the Heart of Politics: means and ends. The Use of Evil. Simone Weil’s Approach

  • Jorge Álvarez Yágüez
Keywords: Evil, means, ends, force, war, reification, thought, balance , justice, supernatural


In an analytical way, Simone Weil’s answer to the question formulated by Machiavelli at the beginning of modernity, the question of the use of evil, is presented here. This question is inscribed in the long reflection that the French author made on the logic between means and ends that fatally governs our culture and leads to a constant inversion in which the means become the true end. Understanding that these two questions constitute the core of any political thought, which deals with the organization of our life in common, Simone Weil could not but deal intensely with it, from the beginning to the end of her work.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Yágüez J. (2023). At the Heart of Politics: means and ends. The Use of Evil. Simone Weil’s Approach. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 56(2), 189-205.