A Gadamerian Rehabilitation of Metaphysics: The Ontological Hermeneutics and the Recovery of the Problem of Being

  • Jorge Benito Torres Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: Gadamer, language, metaphysics, ontological hermeneutics, being


Hermeneutics has been one of the turning points in the history of contemporary thinking. As a philosophy of understanding, Gadamer´s Hermeneutics was developed around major metaphysical problems, manifesting a cardinal connection between Hermeneutics, Metaphysics and Phenomenology. The Gadamerian maxim, which prays «the being that can be understood is language», enlightens such relationship by approaching the problem of the being strictly from the linguistic dimension of experience. Thusly, we will demonstrate, firstly, the Heideggerian roots of these concerns and, later, the different lines of reading that have been opened since that famous adage of Truth and Method I. Eventually, as a conclusion, it will be stated the interpretation of Gadamer´s work which accounts for a given ontological hermeneutics.  


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How to Cite
Benito Torres J. (2022). A Gadamerian Rehabilitation of Metaphysics: The Ontological Hermeneutics and the Recovery of the Problem of Being. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 55(2), 201-218. https://doi.org/10.5209/asem.81636