The Insufficiency of the Technical Conception of Nature: The Ethical Priority of Kantian Teleology

  • Begoña Pessis G. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile
Keywords: Kant, The Critique of Judgment, teleological ethical judgment, natural purposiveness, introductions and appendix


The thesis that this article seeks to develop is that in Kantian thought there is a transit from a natural teleology to an ethical teleology, particularly in the third Critique. The former must refer to the latter in order to avoid triviality. Despite readings that focus on the epistemological and scientific implications of Kantian teleological judgement, this approach emphasises its ethical dimension, the ultimate and necessary instance in which the author’s efforts culminate. In this direction, I will try to show the insufficiency of a merely natural teleology and also provide analytical materials to provethe prominence of ethical commitment within the work.


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How to Cite
Pessis G. B. (2021). The Insufficiency of the Technical Conception of Nature: The Ethical Priority of Kantian Teleology. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 54(2), 533-554.