Meister Eckhart. Existential Principle and Essential Principle of Creature

  • Sofía Castello Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Meister Eckhart, Liber de Causis, Neoplatonism, metaphysics, created world, existential principle, essential principle, first cause, effect


In this paper we present Meister Eckhart’s exposition of the metaphysical structure of the created world through the analysis of some nuclear passages of his work, centrally in the Commentary to the Gospel of John. To do so, we first seek to draw parallels between his argument and the one of the Liber de Causis I.1-I.11 to point out the influence of this text on Eckhart’s thought. Secondly, we present the abstract mode of access to the hierarchical order between the esse, the vivere and the intelligere. Finally, we show the concrete mode, and indicate its particularities and its distinction from the abstract mode.


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Author Biography

Sofía Castello, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Instituto Alejandro Korn, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

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How to Cite
Castello S. (2021). Meister Eckhart. Existential Principle and Essential Principle of Creature. Logos. Anales del Seminario de Metafísica, 54(1), 33-53.