“Bānhōf Strāse: Hikāyat il-’Osta l-Kahrabā’i”, a novel by Sāmeh Farag: an example of its study

  • Ditka Bukva
Keywords: Sociolinguistic study, Novel, Egyptian dialect


The novel “Bānhōf Strāse: Hikāyat il-’Osta l-Kahrabā’i” by Sāmeh Farag belongs to an extremely reduced group of novels written in the dialect of Cairo. The language of this novel and its social context, their characteristics and the relation between them are the object of the study which is presented in this article. The study belongs to the field of the sociolinguistics and represents one of the first sociolinguistic studies based on written material of a novel, for the traditional sociolinguistics is focused on a spoken language and bases its studies on materials gathered by the fieldwork. The theoretic frame of this study, the way it has been put to practice and the results achieved are explained on the following pages.


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How to Cite
Bukva D. (2004). “Bānhōf Strāse: Hikāyat il-’Osta l-Kahrabā’i”, a novel by Sāmeh Farag: an example of its study. Anaquel de Estudios Árabes, 15, 35-43. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ANQE/article/view/ANQE0404110035A